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Dr. Namrata Sharma

Faculty, State University of New York,


UN Expert.

Webinar and Dialogue at the Université Laval

Université Laval (Laval University) is the oldest French-language university in North America, located in Québec City, Canada. The Ikeda Study Center for Global Citizenship, Dialogue and Peace Education hosted a webinar on February 2nd, 2024 discussing value-creating global citizenship education for sustainable development, with a focus on the educational ideas of the Indian political leader…

Book: “Hope for Peace, Global Citizenship”

Fifty portraits of peacebuilders and cosmopolitan citizens – chapters in German and English. Includes a chapter (in English) on the Japanese educator and peace activist, Makiguchi. Sharma, N. (2023). Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (1871-1944). In Lang-Wojtasik, G. and Bastian, T. (Eds.). Friedenshoffnung Weltbürgertum. Fünfzig Porträts [Hope for Peace, Global Citizenship. Fifty portraits] (pp. 109-115). Ulm: Klemm+Oelschläger. ISBN…

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